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Finance & Management


Banking and Financial Services Sector

  • AAAdir
    Directory of banks across the world; discussion forum for banking issues (e.g. Fraud)
  • Bank for International Settlements: Central bank and monetary authority websites
    Lists Central banks across the world
  • Qualisteam
    Broad website including news of latest developments in banks across the world; various resources including extensive links.
  • IFS Learning
    Institute of Financial Services: extensive resources & research service.
    Topical articles related to banking
  • BBA
    British Bankers Association: articles & resources
    The European Banking Federation
  • Financial Conduct Authority
    This UK body seeks to protect consumers and promote competition
  • Prudential Regulation Authority
    This UK body sets standards and supervises banks and other financial institutions
  • The Institute of International Finance
    The Institute of International Finance, Inc. (IIF), is the world’s only global association of financial institutions
  • Basel Committee on Capital Adequacy
    The web site of the committee, a subset of the web site of the Bank of International Settlement, with all the official consultation papers
  • IFRS
    The international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and  International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
  • FEE
    The Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (FEE) is the representative organisation for the accountancy profession in Europe.