Eikon is one of the library's main resource for finding global financial data on companies and industries. Data and features include:
Exclusive access to Reuters News Trusted financial news, market-moving exclusives and expert insights delivered by 2,500+ journalists around the world, spanning all asset classes
Global pricing data Global, multi-asset pricing; terms and conditions; and analytics – typically with the longest history available, with data from 2,000 contributing sources.
LSEG Company Fundamentals The most comprehensive company fundamentals data available, covering 99% of global market cap, across 150 countries, with direct access to the source filing for verification purposes
Unmatched real-time research Access Eikon’s real-time research collection of reports, gathered from nearly 1,300 actively contributing providers from 87 countries
Commodities data and research Access one of the world’s largest repositories of energy fundamentals, pricing data, market-moving insights and forecasts.
LSEG Datastream® The world’s most comprehensive financial time series database is loaded with 70 years of information, across all major asset classes
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) One of the most comprehensive ESG databases in the industry, covering over 80% of global market cap, across more than 450 different ESG metrics.
Learn more about Eikon on the Refiniv website: Eikon Financial Analysis & Trading Software | LSEG
If this is your first time using Eikon, we recommend the following guides and video tutorials. Remember that in order to access Eikon, you must email libenquiry@soas.ac.uk to book a session. Eikon is available to SOAS students and staff only.
Explore Sustainable Finance and Sustainability Data (Youtube - Dr Searat Ali)
How to Download ESG data for Company | Statement View (Youtube - Dr Searat Ali)
Sustainable Finance | Green Bonds and Loans | Green M&As | Sustainable Finance (Youtube - Dr Searat Ali)
Mine Production Screener allows you to view global production numbers for a number of different commodities.
Cost Curves allows you to see if a mine or company are in profit.
You can make your own account using your SOAS email address. (From here, you have access to their Learning Centre.)
You can also go to the Help & Support page. You can search your question and find related articles. To contact Customer Services, please email your subject librarian, who will get in touch on your behalf.