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Web Resources

  • Key sites
    • Biz/ed: Economics
      Online learning materials for students at all levels, company facts and Virtual Worlds, a series of economics & business simulations.
    • Economist A-Z Glossary
      Definitions of core Economics terminology.
    • REPEC
      RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 81 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. So far, over 1,600 archives have contributed about 1.4 million research pieces from 1,800 journals and 3,800 working paper series.
    • History of Economics
      Articles, web resources, course syllabi, book reviews, conferences, email discussion lists relating to the history of economic thought.
    • Economics Search Engine (ESE)
      ESE can search more than 10,000 economics-based websites from around the world. It searches sites listed in Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) and Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World (EDIRC).
    • Economics Research Network
      Part of the SSRN eLibrary contains both an Abstract Database, as well as an Electronic Paper Collection.
    • Social Capital Gateway
      Links to basic readings, digital libraries & other web sites publishing materials for the study of social capital and related topics in a multidisciplinary perspective.
    • AgEcon Search
      AgEcon Search is a free, open access repository of full-text scholarly literature in agricultural and applied economics, including working papers, conference papers and journal articles.
    • DeSTRESS
      Statistical variety of openly-licensed learning and teaching materials resources for Social Sciences.
  • Organisations, Communities and Social Media
    • Socialsciencespace
      Is an online community that brings together social scientists and policy-makers to explore,share and shape the big issues in social science and public policy. It brings together blogs, a forum for discussions, a resource centre with free videos, reports and slides, as well as funding, events, training and job opportunity notices.
    • Palgrave Econoblog
      The Palgrave Econolog is an economics blog aggregator. It surveys the content of more than 350 economics blogs, indexes them by topic and tracks traffic so that you can see at a glance what economists are reading and writing about, highlighting hot stories, papers, books and conferences.
    • SOAS Department of Economics Working Papers
      Links to the most recent departmental working papers.
    • Oxfam publications
  • Company information

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