Data and statistics play a crucial role in Social Science research. This page lists some of the major sets of data available, by region covered. In addition there are also some Chinese language statistical databases.
- Africa Open Data
Aims to be largest repository of Data on the Africa Continent.
- Guardian Data Store
A directory of useful data sets that can be used to build applications.
Provides data on 266 socio-economic variables under 18 categories for the 57 OIC Member Countries dating back to 1970.
- Open Data Index
Assesses the state of open data around the world, based on peer-reviewed submissions by a global community of open data advocates and experts.
- OffStats
Maintained by the University of Auckland Library, this database provides access to free statistics from official sources on the web.
- UN Data
Search UN statistical databases through a single entry point
- Bank of England
The Bank compiles and publishes a range of monetary and financial statistics. These Include domestic banking statistics, external finance statistics and international banking statistics.
- World Trade Organisation (WTO) International Trade and Tariff Data
Extensive access to trade and tariff data.
- IMD World Competitiveness
The most comprehensive database on the competitiveness of nations. It includes 18-year time series from the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook.
- British Library Business and IP Centre
A wide range of resources are available from onsite at the British Library.
- List of National Statistics Offices
UN List of National Statistics Offices
- American Economic Association: Data resources for Economists
Wide range of resources- just keep scrolling down for the relevant ones!
- Zanran
A search engine for data and statistics that focuses primarily on finding data presented in numerical or tabular form.
- Quandl
A freely available index of over 7 million time-series datasets, which pulls together its data fromover 400 freely available sources.
- BREAD: The Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development
- Seeing Theory: A visual introduction to probability and statistics
- Public Opinion and Surveys
- UK Data Service: includes World Values Survey, Young Lives Survey, Afrobarometer, Arab Barometer, AsiaBarometer and Asian Barometer Survey.
- Global Attitudes Project: a series of worldwide public opinion surveys that encompasses a broad array of subjects.
- World Public Opinion: consortium of research centres studying public opinion on international issues in their respective countries.
- Gallup: data driven news based on US and world polls.
- Mansfield Asian Public Opinion Poll Database: English translations of key policy-related issues from major media organizations and other agencies in Japan, South Korea, and China.
- Demographic information
- Country-Level Information
- Business Source Complete contains some country reports.
- UK Data Service is a comprehensive source of data, covering key economic and social data, both quantitative and qualitative. Including World Development Indicators, OECD, ILO, IMF and UN data.
- CIA World Factbook provides basic country level data produced for US policymakers and coordinated throughout the US Intelligence Community.
- BBC News Country Profiles provide basic information on topics such as press freedom and key events, alongside audio and video clips from BBC archives.
- UN Data contains lots of UN metrics for different countries- ranging from agricultural production to the World Statistics Pocketbook.
- Global Edge Insights by Country statistical data for nearly every country around the world. In addition to statistics, historical, economic, and political conditions are available.
- A M Best is a global credit rating agency with a unique focus on the insurance industry. They produce free short briefing papers about the various risks of investing in countries.
- Coface a French company specialising in export credit insurance, provides limited economic data for countries- including the option to run a brief comparision.
- Banking and Financial Services Sector
- AAAdir
Directory of banks across the world; discussion forum for banking issues (e.g. Fraud)
- Bank for International Settlements: Central bank and monetary authority websites
Lists Central banks across the world
- Qualisteam
Broad website including news of latest developments in banks across the world; various resources including extensive links.
- IFS Learning
Institute of Financial Services: extensive resources & research service.
Topical articles related to banking
British Bankers Association: articles & resources
The European Banking Federation
- Financial Conduct Authority
This UK body seeks to protect consumers and promote competition
- Prudential Regulation Authority
This UK body sets standards and supervises banks and other financial institutions
- The Institute of International Finance
The Institute of International Finance, Inc. (IIF), is the world’s only global association of financial institutions
- Basel Committee on Capital Adequacy
The web site of the committee, a subset of the web site of the Bank of International Settlement, with all the official consultation papers
The international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
The Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (FEE) is the representative organisation for the accountancy profession in Europe.
- Islamic Banking/Finance
- Transparency
The UK Data Service contains figures on the ease of doing business and corruption
Freely available resources:
Open Access (OA) refers to free, unrestricted online access to research outputs, which is open to all, with no access fees. Academics around the world are increasingly making their work Open Access.
Specialist resources: