EventStudyTools helps you perform event studies and news analytics analyses. Its research apps calculate for you all metrics needed for scientific publications (see sample results) - be it for return, volume, or volatility event studies focussed on single or multiple events. Access the research apps online on their website or locally via an R-package and application programming interface (API) .
NVivo is a computer software program that allows researchers to manage, analyse, and visualise qualitative data and documents systematically and individually. It is user-friendly for researchers who are familiar with coding and qualitative data analysis strategies. Downloadable via MySOAS.
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), also known as IBM SPSS Statistics, is a software package used for the analysis of statistical data. SPSS provides data analysis for descriptive and bivariate statistics, numeral outcome predictions and predictions for identifying groups. The software also provides data transformation, graphing and direct marketing features. The software interface displays open data similarly to a spreadsheet in its main view. With its secondary variable view, the metadata that describes the variables and data entries present in the data file are displayed. Downloadable via MySOAS.
Recommended Sources for Learning R
Modern Data Visualization with R by Robert Kabacoff
Data Visualisation in R (Geeks for Geeks)
Chapter 3 Dynamic Visualization in Tutorial: Dynamic Data Visualization with R by Laurent Rouvière (27 November, 2022)
Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, Plotly, and Shiny by Carson Sievert (Chapman & Hall CRC, 2020)
Nordmann E., McAleer P. Toivo W. Paterson H. DeBuine L. (2022) 'Tutorial: Data Visualization Using R for Researchers Who Do Not Use R' . Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 5.2.
Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. You can run is almost anywhere, Mac, Linux, Windows PC, and even in a web browser. - For typing and learning Python in web browser. Create your free online account.
Visual Studio Code - Free code editor to download. Comes with a Python plug-in.