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Electronic Resources

Electronic journals

The Library provides access to thousands of journals in electronic format. Some of these journals are electronic versions of journals which are held in the Library. Some are journals which the Library does not have in its print collection, but which are particularly useful for researching non-regional subjects such as business and finance, law and economics.

Search the library catalogue for access to over 100,000 journals online. Note: some journals are unavailable from computers outside SOAS; journals which are available from computers off-campus are available for SOAS staff and students only with SOAS id and password.

Although some journals are freely available on the Internet, most have been paid for by the Library so you may find that there are some restrictions on access (under the terms of the license).

If you have any queries about electronic journals, please contact the e-resources librarian via

What is an electronic journal?

An electronic journal is a periodical publication which is published in electronic format, usually on the Internet.

Electronic journals have several advantages over traditional printed journals:

  1. You can search the contents pages and/or the full text of journals to find articles on a certain subject.
  2. You can read journal articles on your desktop, you don't have to be in the Library.
  3. You can e-mail articles to yourself or download them for printing.
  4. The article that you want to read will always be available, even when the Library is closed.
  5. Hypertext links allow you to move to different sections within individual journals or articles and can link you to related resources on the Internet.
  6. Journals can include more images and audio-visual material.
  7. Journals can be interactive - you can e-mail the author or editor with your comments.

Many electronic journals which are available are electronic versions of journals which exist in print. For example, if you wanted to see the journal called "International journal of Middle East studies" this journal is available physically on Level E, but is also available to SOAS users in electronic format.

Some journals are only available in electronic format and although some of these journals are of a high "academic" quality, please be aware that not all of them have gone through the same process of academic peer review as traditional print journals.

Which journals are available?

SOAS subscribes to collections of electronic journals such as JSTOR, EBSCOhost, Taylor& Francis, Project Muse and many other individual titles which have been made available online.

Many law journals are available via Westlaw, Lexis Library and HeinOnline. Please check the individual databases to see what is available.

At SOAS we provide access to electronic journals via a searchable E-journals and Database link which are available electronically. Search by journal title. (NB: This list does not include all titles from Lexis Library.)

Off-campus access

If you go directly to a journal/article you will need to login before you will be able to access all of the content. Click on 'login' at the top right of the page:
For example Jstor click Have library access? Log in through your library


You'll then need to use the 'Login via an institution' option to the right of the page:

You will then see the SOAS Login page: