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Japan Studies

Subject Guides for Japan studies

How do I find Multi-media resources?


Multi-media materials in the Library

Majority of music CDs and DVDs are open access on Level E, stack 48 and 49.

You can also browse by class mark into SOAS Library catalogue

DVDs and CDs related to Japan and Korea are assigned classmark MDVD25 and MY25.

Music CDs and DVDs are classified according to regions as below.


Classmark Regions
MDVD 3 Sub-Saharan Africa
MDVD 4 North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia)
MDVD 5 Near and Middle East, (incl. Israel)
MDVD 15 South Asia
MDVD 20 South East Asia (incl. Oceania)
MDVD 24  East Asia incl. China (incl. Tibet, Mongolia)
MDVD 25 Japan, Korea
MDVD 34 Asia and Africa in general (i.e. cross region)
MDVD 40 Other regions of the world


Music CDs

Classmark Regions
MY3 Sub-Saharan Africa
MY4 North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia)
MY5 Near and Middle East, (incl. Balkans)
MY6 Jewish Music
MY15 South Asia
MY20 South East Asia (incl. Oceania)
MY24  East Asia incl. China (incl. Tibet, Mongolia)
MY25 Japan, Korea
MY34 Asia and Africa in general (i.e. compilation, cross region)
MY40 Other regions of the world (i.e. World music, Cuban music, Latin Music) or Non-regional

Reference only materials and how to request

EMY Reference Only music CDs
MDVD Reference Only DVDs


'Reference Only' CDs and DVDs are Closed Access. Due to the building refurbishment work, they are temporarily offsite. 

To consult ‘Reference Only’ CDs and DVDs, please fill 'Order offsite material' form.