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Japan Studies

Subject Guides for Japan studies

Japanese Language Ebooks


KinoDen is a Japanese academic ebook service for libraries from Kinokuniya.

Use 検索 to search for books. Some of the titles in KinoDen have been purchases by SOAS. 

  •  "未所蔵を含める" to include unpurchased titles. 
  • Untick "未所蔵を含める to ONLY see book purchases by SOAS. 



Mel (Maruzen Ebook Library)

Japanese multidisciplinary ebook platform for academic and scholarly publications.

Provide a search function and access to the ebooks mostly in Japanese.

The number of pages that can be printed or downloaded per person/per title is displayed on the screen for each title. 

* We would like to inform you that the Maruzen eBook Library e-book viewer screen will be updated on Tuesday, 1st August 2023

Aozora Bunko

Aozora Bunko (青空文庫) is a digital archive of Japanese literature. This online collection consists of several thousands of works of Japanese-language fiction and non-fiction. These include out-of-copyright books or works that the authors wish to make freely available.

Useful vocabulary

  • 検索(けんさく):kensaku; search
  • 蔵書検索:collection search
  • 通常検索:advanced search (you can use this button to narrow your search)
  • タイトル:title
  • 著者(ちょしゃ): author
  • 出版社(しゅっぱんしゃ):publisher
  • 書籍全文(しょせきぜんぶん): Full text search
  • シリーズ: series
  • 目次(もくじ): Table of contents
  • 内容紹介文(ないようしょうかいぶん): Contents of the Introduction
  • ページの検索結果: Search results from within book
  • 閲覧開始: Start reading