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South East Asian Studies

Welcome to the Library Guide for Studies in South East Asia and Pacific Islands!

Access World News is available for access to some past issues of newspapers published in Southeast Asia, such as Bangkok Post, Jakarta Post, The Straits Times, New Straits Times, etc)  
[On-campus use] [Off-campus use]

Digital National Security Archive collections include: Philippines: U.S. Policy during the Marcos Years, 1965-1986; U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, 1954-1968; and U.S. Policy in the Vietnam War, 1969-1975. 
[On-campus use] [Off-campus use]

EBSCOhost is one of the largest databases that cover a number of journals on Southeast Asia areas, such as ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Sojourn: journal of social issues in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian Affairs, etc.
[On-campus use] [Off-campus use]

IngentaConnect is available for access to several journals on Southeast Asia, including: Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Asia-Pacific Review, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Indonesia and the Malay World, Journal of the Asia Pacific economy, and South East Asia Research 
[On-campus use] [Off-campus use].

JSTOR, the most popular database for online journals, contains a number of journals and articles on Southeast Asia
[On-campus use] [Off-campus use]
SOAS alumni has free access to JSTOR and you can find more information at

There are many other databases which also cover e-resources on Southeast Asia. For more information, visit the A-Z databases