U Africa: general - Stacks 1-12
UM North Africa - Stacks 12-13
US The Nile - Stack 13
UU South Sudan - Stack 13
UV Libya - Stacks 13-14
UVL British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies (BILNAS) - Stack 69
UW Tunisia - Stack 15
UX Algeria - Stacks 15-18
UY Morocco - Stack 18-20
UZ Sahara and Spanish-speaking Africa - Stack 20
UZS Western Sahara - Stack 20
VA East Africa: general - Stacks 20-22
VB Horn of Africa - Stack 22
VE Ethiopia - Stacks 22-23
VG Eritrea - Stack 23
VH Somalia - Stack 24
VHD Djibouti - Stack 24
VI Kenya - Stacks 24-26
VJ Uganda - Stack 26
VK Tanzania - Stacks 26-27
VL Zanzibar - Stack 27
VM West Africa: general - Stacks 27-29
VP French-speaking West Africa - Stacks 29-30
VPD Benin - Stack 30
VPG Guinea - Stack 30
VPI Côte d'Ivoire - Stack 30
VPM Mali - Stacks 30-31
VPO Mauritania - Stack 31
VPQ Niger - Stack 31
VPS Senegal - Stacks 31-32
VPU Burkina Faso - Stack 32
VQ Gambia - Stack 32
VR Portuguese-speaking West Africa - Stack 32
VRC Cape Verde - Stack 32
VRP Guinea-Bissau - Stack 32
VRS São Tomé and Príncipe - Stack 32
VS Sierra Leone - Stack 33
VT Liberia - Stack 33
VV Ghana - Stacks 33-34
VVT Togo - Stacks 34-35
VW Nigeria - Stacks 35-38
WA Central Africa: general - Stacks 38-39
WC Cameroon - Stacks 39-40
WD French-speaking Equatorial Africa - Stack 40
WDC Central African Republic - Stack 40
WDD Chad - Stack 40
WDE Congo (Brazzaville) - Stack 40
WDG Gabon - Stacks 40-41
WE Democratic Republic of the Congo - Stack 41-42
WEB Burundi - Stack 42
WER Rwanda - Stack 42
WF Equatorial Guinea - Stack 42
WH Southern Africa: general - Stacks 42-44
WHS Van Riebeeck Society - Stack 44
WK Republic of South Africa - Stacks 44-51
WKS Namibia - Stack 51
WQ Kalahari Desert - Stack 51
WQB Botswana - Stacks 51-52
WQL Lesotho - Stack 52
WQS Eswatini - Stack 52
WT Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland - Stack 52
WTM Malawi - Stack 52
WTR Zimbabwe - Stacks 52-53
WTZ Zambia - Stacks 53-54
WW Portuguese-speaking Africa - Stack 54
WWA Angola - Stacks 54-55
WWM Mozambique - Stack 55
WY Madagascar, Comoros Archipelago, Réunion - Stack 56
WZ Mauritius, Seychelles and other Indian and Atlantic Ocean islands - Stack 56
Large books (which have the prefix L) are shelved between stacks 71-76 with the exception of the African Language Collection and the BILNAS Library which are shelved following the normal sized books.
Reference books (which have the prefix L or L Ref) are shelved between stacks 61-66
The African Language Collection (normal and large sized books) is shelved between stacks 57-60 and 67-68.
Y - Books on African languages and linguistics in general
Y [Name of language] A - works on the language eg. grammars, dictionaries
Y [Name of language] B - works in the language eg. literature
Y [Name of language] A - scholarship in the language eg. history
An older classification for African languages is still extant at XIII - shelved at stack 57
"African language families" by Mark Dingemanse is licensed under CC BY 2.5.